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A Catholic view on old heresies in the news

Category: Montanism

Women and the Priesthood

The National Catholic Register offers so many good heretical ideas to look at that the local Bishop has asked them to remove the word “Catholic” from their name so that people don’t mistake them for a Catholic paper.  The above article is typical example of some of the heresy they espouse, and it’s about woman’s ordination.

The woman’s ordination movement is at it’s core Montanist.  From the “Call Me Maybe” parody video in the article, we can see the woman’s ordination movement believes a perceived spiritual call trumps church authority.  This was the Montanist view some 1800 years ago  — Spirit supersedes Church.  An authentic Catholic understanding sees both Church and Spirit as complementary.  The Church is the Body of Christ, and the Holy Spirit would naturally complement Christ rather than be in conflict with him.  As no less a feminist than St. Joan of Arc said to her judge, “About Jesus Christ and the Church, I simply know they’re just one thing, and we shouldn’t complicate the matter.”  To believe that God would be in conflict with Himself would violate the unity of God, and therefore veer into polytheism.

Montanism and the rejection of moral leaders

The heresy Ed Schultz espouses is part of Montanism.  Starting near 170, Montanus started teaching that we don’t need a Church to teach us right and wrong (it was only to be the Holy Spirit).  Near the same time, this wall was built to protect Britannia (modern day England) from Caledonia (modern day Scotland):

As you can tell from the busted up wall, Catholics have faced the issue of people rejecting the Bishops for quite a long time.

Mr. Schultz, much like Montanus, had this special “born-again” experience of God, and therfore like Montanus before him, he feels qualified to distinguish between real and phony Christians.  Also like Montanus, he bases this upon his own personal morality.  For Montanus, it was sex he rejected as immoral. Marriage was denied to all and all were expected to be celebrate because the physical world is bad.  These were the “real” Christians of 170 AD.  For Mr. Schultz, the “real” Christians are those who embrace the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) because it will save the lives of children.  These are the “real” Christians of 2013.  In both cases individuals think they know better than the Church — they feel that their morality is superior and that others have lost their way.

(A closing note: the American Bishops did campaign for a revision to health care prior to the implementation of the PPACA, but when it was revealed the revision would pay for more abortions, they rejected the legislation as unjust.)